Age 11 to 19 YearsAssessments & Reporting




At half term students new to the secondary school (all Year 7 students and others who have joined) receive an interim report with progress and effort grades and short comments from subject teachers and comments from tutors.

At the end of the first term students in Years 7 to 11 receive an end of term report with progress and effort grades and comments from subject teachers and comments from tutors. This is followed by tutor academic meetings for students, parents and tutors for students in Years 7 to 10.



Mock IGCSE results for Year 11students are reported to parents and subject academic meetings follow soon after.

At the end of the second term students in Years 7 to 10 receive an end of term report with progress and effort grades and comments from subject teachers and comments from tutors. This is followed by tutor academic meetings for students, parents and tutors for these students.



End of year reports with progress and effort grades, final exam results and tutor comments are issued for students in Years 7 to 10.

Outside formal meetings, parents are welcome to make an appointment to meet with their child’s teacher at any time throughout the year. These appointments can be arranged through the School Office or by emailing the relevant teacher.


The assessment of students takes place through a range of formative and summative tasks for each subject throughout the year. Students also undertake a range of external assessments, that allows the school to compare our students with students from UK and international cohorts. Each year students in Years 7 to 9 undertake the Progress Tests from GL Assessments in English, Mathematics and Science. Students in Year 7, 10 and 12 also complete a Cognitive Abilities Test. These external assessments give teachers a broad range of information about student achievement and ability to help them best plan for the learning needs of their classes.