Age 5 TO 11 YEARSAssessment And Reporting


Reports are an integral part of what we do and an important way we communicate your child’s learning. In the Primary School, your child’s progress is continually assessed by the teaching team, through observation, conferencing, discussion and giving feedback of completed work. In addition to this, your child’s progress will be more formally reviewed during Assessment Weeks, which are scheduled termly.

At the beginning of every school year, or upon joining KIS, the class teacher will undertake baseline testing to establish the strengths and learning needs of your child. Following this, your child will be assigned Reading, Writing and Mathematics targets, which will be shared with you during Primary Learning Conferences and included in your child’s school reports. Your child will work toward these targets, both at school and at home, until success is achieved. In collaboration with your child, the class teacher will then assign a fresh target.


It’s our goal to enable every child to realize their full potential by taking a ‘whole student view’ which takes into account ability to achieve, current attainment, and any barriers to learning they may have. At the end of each academic year, Primary students will take part in the following assessments.

Students are assessed in these five key developmental areas which research shows are linked to later academic outcomes:

  • Reading (word recognition, decoding, and comprehension)
  • Spelling
  • Mathematics (includes numbers, measures, shape and space, and data handling)
  • Arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)
  • Developed Ability (picture vocabulary and non-verbal reasoning)


” We believe that students who critically reflect on their work, processes, and learning style; are given an opportunity to identify gaps in their knowledge or skill set and achieve greater autonomy and deeper learning and metacognition.”



The reporting cycle is as follows;

  • Term 1.1 : Parent-Teacher Meeting / Learning Conferences
  • Term 1.2 : Interim Report
  • Term 2.1 : Parent-Teacher Meeting / Learning Conferences
  • Term 2.2 : Interim Report
  • Term 3     :Full written report

The child’s progress will be assessed for ‘Attainment’ and ‘Learning Attitude’ which will be reported as either;

  • Emerging (1)
  • Developing (2)
  • Secure (3)
  • Exceeding/ Greater Depth (4)

In some areas where the child is bridging the two levels, they may receive a (+) to indicate this.   


At KIS we operate an open-door policy. Parents are welcome to arrange appointments with their child’s teacher to discuss any queries or concerns they may have about their child’s progress or well-being at school. This could be done via Class Dojo personal messages or speaking in person to the teacher during pick-up. Meetings may be arranged by emailing the class teacher or by arranging an appointment with the School Office. All staff email addresses can be found here.