Age 3 to 5 YearsAssessment and Reporting
” At KIS we value the role of parents in shaping the experience we provide for students. Teachers consult with parents through regular informative discussions and at formal Parent-Teacher Conferences in Terms One and Two. Parents will also receive a written Settling-In or Mid-Year Report in Term Two and an End of Year Report in Term Three.”

A cycle of ongoing review is an integral part of the learning and development process at KIS. Children are assessed across the seven areas of learning on entry to EYFS, which informs planning and individual target setting. Regular observations of children then follow and their progress is recorded in their Learning Journey Portfolio via the Tapestry Portal. Both teachers and parents will be able to access and upload evidence of significant moments or achievements, samples of work or supporting photographs via the Portal.
Class teachers continually assess and track pupil progress using a five-point scale to assess the child’s development towards the Early Learning Goals (ELG). The Early Learning Goals are the standards at which we would expect a child to reach by the end of the Foundation stage.
The reporting cycle is as follows;
- Term 1.1 : Parent/ Teacher Meeting
- Term 1.2 : Interim Report
- Term 2.1 : Parent/ Teacher Meeting
- Term 2.2 : Interim Report
- Term 3 :Full written report
In EYFS; the playing, exploring, active learning, creating and thinking they take part in throughout the day, will be based on a series of objectives that will support your child’s learning, enabling them to eventually meet these Early Learning Goals.
The child’s progress will be assessed and reported as either;
- Emerging (1)
- Developing (2)
- Working within ELG (3)
- ELG Achieved (4)
- Exceeding ELG (5)
In some areas where the child is bridging the two levels, they may receive a (+) to indicate this.