by KIS Webmaster | Jul 30, 2024
My time at KIS though short, has offered me many opportunities to grow as a leader and become involved in the community. I have had the chance to learn about other cultures and customs and to meet an array of different people. Being a member in sixth form at KIS...
by KIS Webmaster | Jul 30, 2024
Most of my highlights are from the great memories I share with my classmates, although we are in small classes in subject, we have had much fun and I have developed what I hope to be everlasting friendships. The teachers have been preparing us for our final exams and...
by KIS Webmaster | Jul 30, 2024
One experience that I really valued during my time at kis was participating in the organisation of events such as 4fest. KIS has provided me an opportunity to apply to top universities in the world. Next, I hope to study at a higher level and apply all the skills I...
by KIS Webmaster | Jul 30, 2024
One experience I really value from my 5 years at kis is being given the ability and responsibility for organising events such as 4fest and prom. This has given me the opportunity to apply and develop organisational and leadership skills which have helped me grow as a...
by KIS Webmaster | Jul 30, 2024
As my 15th and final year at KIS draws to a close, I reflect on the incredible changes the school has undergone. From being a tiny F1 student, now a senior year 13 student. From being taught in a single building to now running between 4 buildings. And from having only...