From the Head of Primary 20.04.2024

From the Head of Primary 20.04.2024

This week saw the return of ECAs for Term 3 and as always they are such a source of excitement for the students. Activities outside of the normal curriculum are so beneficial for student learning, social development and engagement, so a huge thank you goes out to all staff and external providers who offer ECAs after school.

Earth Week at KIS!

Next week is the always anticipated, Earth Week. A chance for us to focus our minds on environmental issues which affect us and the world around us. As we have all seen from the recent rainless period, increased forest fires causing haze and incredible heat, environmental issues impact all of us and are a collective responsibility.


Earth week will involve different days of activities and focuses within the primary school, some of which we ask for your assistance with.

  • Monday – Earth Day – Activities will be organised in school.
  • Tuesday – Take a Lift Tuesday – We ask you to carpool as much as possible with friends or family.
  • Wednesday – Wasteless Wednesday – Primary will be focussing on reducing waste in out lunch boxes. So please try to avoid plastic wrapped items or single use items.
  • Thursday – Thrifty Thursday – There will be a swap shop supported by the PTA. Please support.
  • Friday – Food Waste Friday – Students will be focusing on not wasting any of their food but also measuring how much food is wasted during primary lunch time. Please can all students attend school in their PE kit so we can identify their houses more easily.

As with all Eco Initiatives, the more we all get involved and support the event the greater the impact will be.


You will have also seen from Mr Gipson’s newsletter that we have the EGM on Friday, which I encourage you all to attend to vote on the continued development and improvement of the KIS site and offering. It will be an exciting and interesting opportunity to impact the school for years to come.

I returned to engaging in one of my favourite parts of the week, the celebration assembly, this week and was so pleased to see the amazing work, attitude and behaviour being celebrated across the school. Well done to our Stars of the Week, Trashless Class, House Point Champions and Award winners.


I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend ahead.


Many thanks,


Mr Mark Beresford
Head of Primary