Dear KIS Community. 


Such a pleasure to be welcoming all returning students and extending my special welcome to new students and their families. Having the opportunity to walk around and chat with some of the students, they were all very enthusiastic and motivated, albeit with some degree of nervousness (which is normal!). 


Thank you to parents and guardians for making the student’s back-to-school something that they are looking forward to. It sets a positive tone for the student’s wellbeing in the first week. As the new academic year starts, so does this wellbeing newsletter which was introduced back in April before the summer holidays, and is now progressing into the new academic year. This wellbeing newsletter will continue its purpose as a platform to share tips and information surrounding our wellbeing and mental health. 


Achieving good health and wellbeing is part of the 17 Global Goals that the students in KIS will be learning about, towards becoming a successful global citizen. Promoting mental health and wellbeing is one of the targets under the ‘Good Health and Wellbeing Global Goals’.  ‘Make Mental Health and Wellbeing for All a Global Priority’ – This is the theme and stance of the World Health Organization’s Mental Health Day coming in October this year. Let us together take this new academic year as an opportunity to reconnect and restart our effort in improving our wellbeing and mental health. Having said this, should you or your child wish to connect with me I can be contacted at counsellor@kis.edu.my. Until then ~ have a pleasant week ahead.


Datin Siti Naim 

School Counsellor