Eco Warriors News 15.6.19
Join us on Saturday morning from 9 till 11 at the Car Boot Sale in the KIS hall / playground. This is a wonderful opportunity to purchase pre-loved items and support sellers in their 5R efforts (Recycle, Reduce, Refuse, Repair, Rot). All proceeds from table fees will got to the KIS Eco-Warriors group for next year’s projects.
Our final beach clean up for the year will be from 0900 to 1300 at Taman Awam Teluk Likas 1 Fasal. Join us, even for a short time, to help remove plastic from the beach.
As always, we ask that all students are accompanied by a responsible adult.
Like homework? Why not continue with your own beach clean-up over the holidays? Pick up 3 pieces of plastic a day (hopefully, you won’t find any!).
Rather than outgrown swimming costumes going to landfill, the Eco-Warriors have a new project. Secondary students at an international school in Tanzania welcome local children to their school every Saturday morning to teach them English, Maths, Art, ICT and Swimming. As these children come from low income families where the main wage is worth 250 ringgit per month, a swimming costume would not be considered an essential but it is important that the children can swim as they live on the shores of Lake Victoria and often go there to collect water. The school provides swimming costumes for the swimming sessions and these costumes come from donations.
At this year’s Swimming Gala on 2nd July, the Eco-Warriors will be manning a station where you can deposit your old swimming costumes for Tanzania. As you can see from the photograph, smaller sized costumes are particularly welcome. Costumes for girls and boys are needed. Please ensure the costumes are in good condition and are clean.
To Eco-Warriors who are moving to new schools, thank you for your work here and we know that you will continue cleaning beaches and recycling wherever you go.
Thank you to the KIS community for all your efforts this year in working for our planet. Next year, we aim to continue with our projects and introduce some new ones. Thank you for your support.
The Eco-Warriors